Eisenhower choral students are gifted singers---and recruiters

Eisenhower choral students are gifted singers---and recruiters


The Eisenhower Intermediate School choral students are sound recruiters.

And they do not ever know it.

Eisenhower Intermediate School held its annual Winter Choral Concert on Monday, December 12, when the 5th graders sang to a sold-out gymnasium and then the following evening, December 13, the 6th graders took center stage and shared their musical talents to another packed house.

So how can some intermediate school students serve as recruiters?

Lisa Rotondi, who is  the Eisenhower Choral Program Co-Director with Lauren Smith, explained how these students’ singing caught the eyes and ears of fellow classmates.

“After the concert, I had quite a few new students approach me about joining the chorus in January,” Ms. Rotondi reported. “The students have infectious energy and everyone will continue to grow throughout the spring concert season.”

And why wouldn’t a student want to join the crowd? A big crowd at that.

According to Eisenhower Principal Joe Diskin, there are 246 students in the 6th Grade program and 275 students in 5th Grade who sing.

“This total number of students in chorus is testament to Lisa and Lauren,” Principal Diskin said while standing in the crowded gymnasium before the 6th Grade performance on December 13. “ They get the kids and keep their interest.”

 The students’ performances earned A plus grades from their practices held during the school day.

 “I was very proud of my students' progress on display,” Ms. Rotondi  said. “Only meeting once a week for chorus class, it's a lot to prepare 4-6 pieces, memorized and polished.”

“The Eisenhower chorus students did a fantastic job. I applaud their efforts in learning their music and singing with a beautiful tone,” Ms. Smith stated. “There is nothing more joyful than hearing children sing, especially during the holidays. I thank them for their hard work, parents for their support in their child's arts education, and administration for supporting our robust choral program at Eisenhower.”

Well said.

 Or better yet, well sung.