Standards-Based Report Card (K-4)


What is a Standards-Based Report Card?

Our BRRSD curriculum is aligned with the New Jersey Student Learning Standards for the different content areas in each grade level.  In order to better align curriculum and instruction with assessment, we have developed a report card that aligns with the standards we are teaching.  The grade level standards are the learning goals we set for students to achieve by the end of the school year.  Our new report card will communicate your child’s learning progress and achievement towards those goals.  

What is an indicator?

Each report card contains a list of indicators for each of the following areas: English Language Arts, Math, Science, Social Studies, Art, Music and Physical Education.  Each report card indicator represents a standard that is being taught.  The goal is for students to meet each standard by the end of the school year.

What is a Student Progress Descriptor?

In order to ensure that our reporting is consistent, Student Progress Descriptors were developed.  A Student Progress Descriptor is a rubric or scoring tool that the teachers use to help them report out on each student’s progress.  Each indicator on the report card has a corresponding Student Progress Descriptor.  The following is an example of a Student Progress Descriptor:


How is each indicator on the report card “scored”?

A Standards-Based Report Card does not contain a set of more tradition grades (i.e. A, B, C, etc.).  Instead, since we are reporting out on how students progress towards meeting each of the standards, we use the following system for reporting progress:

3 - Meeting the Standard

2 - Approaching the Standard

1 - Not Meeting the Standard

E - Exceeding the Standard

Remember that the goal for our students is to meet the grade level standard by the end of the school year, so it is expected that there will be times when a child is not yet meeting the standard earlier on in the school year.

Will there be a Comments section on the Standards-Based Report Card?

Yes, there will still be a space for teachers to share additional comments if needed.  However, it is important to note that with a Standards-Based Report Card, the specificity lives in the report card indicators themselves.  The report card was designed to include what we believe to be the most important information about your child as a learner.  Therefore, there is no longer a need for a teacher to include a lengthy narrative Comments section.  If there is something your child’s teacher would like to share that is not reflected in the Report Card indicators, the Comments section is there for this purpose.  

If my child is in the AI program, what standards are reflected on the report card?

Math- The Math indicators on the grades 2,3 and 4AI report cards reflect math standards for the grade level above. For example, if your child is enrolled in 2AI, the report card reflects grade 3 math standards. 

ELA - In English Language Arts, the indicators on the AI report card will look the same as the grade level report cards.  This is due to the fact that there are anchor standards that run across the ELA standards in grades K-12.  The expectations related to each standard for students in the AI program align with curriculum expectations for the grade level above.

Science/Social Studies- The Science and Social Studies indicators will look the same as the grade level report cards. The expectations for the AI students is that they will extend and take initiative with their learning.

If my child is in 4A math, what standards are reflected on the report card?

The Math indicators on the 4A report card reflect math standards for the grade level above. If your child is enrolled in 4A math, the report card reflects grade 5 math standards. Students enrolled in 4AI and 4A math receive the same report card.

How will the new standards-based report card impact students with IEPs?

Students with an IEP will receive report cards in the same manner as General Education students unless they are in certain self-contained classes. Teachers of students in self-contained classes will complete the report card only if students are working on grade level standards as a part of their individualized program. For example, many students in the Autism program may not be assessed using grade level standards. Therefore their report card will include a comment indicating such. However, many students in the behavioral disabilities program are working on grade level standards and will receive completed report cards. In summary, report cards are being completed on an individual basis based on the student's individualized program. 

Please also be aware that students with an IEP will continue to receive quarterly progress reports which provide information pertaining to the progress made by students towards achieving their IEP goals and objectives which can relate to academic, speech and language, behavior, social/emotional needs, etc.  The information provided in progress reports are different from what is provided in report cards, which indicate a student's progress towards achieving grade level standards.